Source code for pyspreedly.objectify

import xml.etree.ElementTree
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from StringIO import StringIO
import codecs
import pytz
from decimal import Decimal
import re
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_sub_dash = re.compile('-')

_types = {
    'string'   :  lambda x: x,
    'integer'  :  int,
    'datetime' :  lambda s: pytz.datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if s else None,
    'decimal'  :  Decimal,
    'boolean'  :  lambda x: x == 'true',
    'array'    :  lambda x: [],  ## Return an empty array

[docs]def parse_element(element): """ Recursivly parses an element of the xml node depth first. Turns all xml tags to underscore instead of dashes. Handles all types in `_types` (string, integer datetime, decimal, boolean, array). Every other type is treated as a string. There are some damn odd types in the data passed. Warning - this doesn't check that the data is what it should be, or that stuff is not being added. :param element: :py:class:`ElementTree` element. :returns: dictionary of the data (unordered but with correct heirarchy). :raises: :py:exc:`MaximumRecursionDepthExceeded` if you do pass some crazy huge and deap XML tree """ children = {} data_type = element.attrib.get('type','string') children = [] if data_type == 'array' else {} # change how depth is handled name = _sub_dash.sub('_',element.tag) # Depth First recursive population if len(element): for child in element: child_data = parse_element(child) if data_type == 'array': children.append(child_data) else: children.update(child_data) return { name : children} if _types['boolean'](element.attrib.get('nil',False)): return {name: None} try: return {name: _types[data_type](element.text)} except KeyError: return {name: element.text} ## You are something strange and are now a string
[docs]def objectify_spreedly(xml): """ Does some high level stuff to the XML tree, and then passes it off to :py:func:`parse_element` to get the data back as a dictionary. Truth be told it is not really objectifying spreedly, but turning it into a dictionary. :param xml: xml string or file object. If it is a string, it is turned into :py:class:`StringIO`. """ if not hasattr(xml, 'read'): _xml = xml buffer = StringIO() utf8_codec = codecs.lookup("utf8") xml = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(buffer, utf8_codec.streamreader, utf8_codec.streamwriter) xml.write(_xml) try: tree = ET.parse(xml) except ET.ParseError as e: raise e data = parse_element(tree.getroot())[_sub_dash.sub('_',tree.getroot().tag)] for key in ['customer_id', 'pagination_id',]: try: data[key] = int(data[key]) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return data
if __name__ == "__main__": from pprint import pprint xml = """<transaction> <amount type="decimal">24.0</amount> <created-at type="datetime">2009-09-26T03:06:30Z</created-at> <currency-code>USD</currency-code> <description>Subscription</description> <detail-type>Subscription</detail-type> <expires-at type="datetime">2009-12-26T04:06:30Z</expires-at> <id type="integer">20</id> <invoice-id type="integer">64</invoice-id> <start-time type="datetime">2009-09-26T03:06:30Z</start-time> <terms>3 months</terms> <updated-at type="datetime">2009-09-26T03:06:30Z</updated-at> <price>$24.00</price> <subscriber-customer-id>39053</subscriber-customer-id> <detail> <payment-method>visa</payment-method> <recurring type="boolean">false</recurring> <feature-level type="string">example</feature-level> </detail> </transaction>""" print " a test to show magic " print print xml print pprint(objectify_spreedly(StringIO(xml)))