Source code for pyspreedly.api

import time, calendar
from urlparse import urljoin
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from objectify import objectify_spreedly
import re

__all__ = [
        'API_VERSION', 'Client', ]


_user_exists_re = re.compile(ur"A subscriber with a customer-id of \d+ already exists.", re.UNICODE)

def utc_to_local(dt):
    ''' Converts utc datetime to local'''
    secs = calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple())
    return datetime(*time.localtime(secs)[:6])

def str_to_datetime(s):
    ''' Converts ISO 8601 string (2009-11-10T21:11Z) to LOCAL datetime,
    or returns None if None is passed'''
    if not s:  #TODO am I on crack?
        return None
    return utc_to_local(datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))

#TODO - more coherent mapping to parse the XML in different methods

[docs]class Client(object): """ .. py:class:: Client(token, site_name) Create an object to manage queries for a Client on a given site. :param token: API access token for authorization. :param site_name: the site_name registered with spreedly. """ def __init__(self, token, site_name): self.auth = token self.site_name = site_name self.base_host = '' self.base_path = '/api/{api_version}/{site_name}/'.format( api_version=API_VERSION, site_name=site_name) self.base_url = urljoin(self.base_host,self.base_path) self.url = None def _ft(self, tree): def ft(x): try: return tree.findtext(x) except: None return ft
[docs] def query(self, url, data=None, action='get'): """ .. py:method:: query(url[, data=None, put='get']) which has the problem that it doesn't check if there is data for PUT, and is hard to read. status_codes are not checked here, and should be handled by the caller. Delete is only supported on test users :param url: the api url you wish to reach (not incuding site/version) :param data: the data to send in the request. Default to `None` :type data: UTF-8 encoded XML or None :param action: one of 'get', 'post', 'put' and 'delete'. Case insensitive, Default 'get' :return: response object :rtype: :py:mod:`requests` response object """ action = action.lower() if action not in ('get', 'put', 'post','delete'): raise NotImplementedError() url = urljoin(self.base_url, url) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'python-spreedly 1.1', } if action in ('put','post'): headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' auth = (self.auth,'X') response = getattr(requests, action)(url, auth=auth, headers=headers, data=data) return response
[docs] def get_plans(self): """ .. py:method::get_plans() get subscription plans for the configured site :returns: data as dict :raises: :py:exc:`HTTPError` if response is not 200 """ response = self.query('subscription_plans.xml', action='get') if response.status_code != 200: e = requests.HTTPError() e.code = response.status_code raise e # Parse result = objectify_spreedly(response.text) return result
## Subscriber manipulation
[docs] def create_subscriber(self, customer_id, screen_name): ''' .. py:method::create_subscriber(customer_id, screen_name) Creates a subscription :param customer_id: Customer ID :param screen_name: Customer's screen name :returns: Data for created customer :raises: HTTPError if response code isn't 201 ''' data = ''' <subscriber> <customer-id>{id}</customer-id> <screen-name>{name}</screen-name> </subscriber> '''.format(id=customer_id, name=screen_name) response = self.query(url='subscribers.xml',data=data, action='post') # Parse if not response.status_code == 201: if response.status_code == 403 and return self.get_info(customer_id) e = requests.HTTPError( "status code: {0}, text: {1}".format( response.status_code, response.text)) e.response = response raise e return objectify_spreedly(response.text)
[docs] def get_signup_url(self, subscriber_id, plan_id, screen_name, token=None): ''' .. py:method:: get_signup_url(subscriber_id, plan_id, screen_name, token=None) Subscribe a user to the site plan on a free trial subscribe a user to a plan, either trial or not :param subscriber_id: ID of the subscriber :param plan_id: subscription plan ID :param screen_name: user screen name :param token: customer token or None - if passed use the token version of the url :returns: url for subscription ''' subscriber_id = str(subscriber_id) plan_id = str(plan_id) if token: url = '/'.join((self.site_name, 'subscribers',subscriber_id,token, 'subscribe', plan_id)) else: url = '/'.join((self.site_name, 'subscribers',subscriber_id,'subscribe', plan_id,screen_name)) url = urljoin(self.base_host, url) return url
[docs] def subscribe(self, subscriber_id, plan_id=None): ''' .. py:method:: subscribe(subscriber_id, plan_id) Subscribe a user to the site plan on a free trial subscribe a user to a free trial plan. :param subscriber_id: ID of the subscriber :parma plan_id: subscription plan ID :returns: dictionary with xml data if all is good :raises: HTTPError if response status not 200 ''' #TODO - This lacks subscription for a site to a plan_id. data = ''' <subscription_plan> <id>{plan_id}</id> </subscription_plan>'''.format(plan_id=plan_id) url = 'subscribers/{id}/subscribe_to_free_trial.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) response = self.query(url, data, action='post') if response.status_code != 200: raise requests.HTTPError("status code: {0}, text: {1}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) # Parse return objectify_spreedly(response.text)
[docs] def change_plan(self, subscriber_id, plan_id): ''' .. py:method:: change_plan(subscriber_id, plan_id) Change a subscription to a new plan, needs the user to be activated subscribe a user to a free trial plan. :param subscriber_id: ID of the subscriber :parma plan_id: subscription plan ID to change to :returns: status code :raises: HTTPError if response status not 200 ''' #TODO - This lacks subscription for a site to a plan_id. data = ''' <subscription_plan> <id>{plan_id}</id> </subscription_plan>'''.format(plan_id=plan_id) url = 'subscribers/{id}/change_subscription_plan.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) response = self.query(url, data, action='put') if response.status_code != 200: raise requests.HTTPError("status code: {0}, text: {1}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) # Parse return response.status_code
[docs] def get_info(self, subscriber_id): """ .. py:method:: get_info(subscriber_id) :param subscriber_id: Id of subscriber to fetch :returns: Data as dictionary :raises: HTTPError if not 200 """ url = 'subscribers/{id}.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) response = self.query(url, action='get') if response.status_code != 200: e = requests.HTTPError() e.code = response.status_code raise e # Parse return objectify_spreedly(response.text)
[docs] def allow_free_trial(self, subscriber_id): """ .. py:method:: allow_free_trial(subscriber_id) programatically allow for a new free trial :param subscriber_id: the id of the subscriber :returns: subscriber data as dictionary if all good, :raises: HTTPError if not so good (non-200) """ url = 'subscribers/{id}/allow_free_trial.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) response = self.query(url,'', action='post') if response.status_code is not 200: raise requests.HTTPError('status; {0}, text {1}'.format( response.status_code, response.text)) else: return objectify_spreedly(response.text)
[docs] def add_fee(self, subscriber_id, name, description, group, amount): """ .. py:method:: add_fee(subscriber_id, name, description, group, amount) Add a fee to a user with subscriber_id :param subscriber_id: the id of the subscriber :param name: the name of the fee (eg - Excess Bandwidth Charge) :param description: a description of the charge :param group: a group to add this charge too :param amount: the amount the charge is for :returns: the response object """ data = """ <fee> <name>{name}</name> <description>{description}</description> <group>{group}</group> <amount>{amount}</amount> </fee> """.format(name=name, description=description, group=group, amount=amount) url = 'subscribers/{id}/fees.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) response = self.query(url,data, action='post') return response
[docs] def set_info(self, subscriber_id, **kw): """ .. py:method: set_info(subscriber_id[, **kw]) this corrisponds to the update-subscriber action. passed kw args are placed into the xml data (not sure how the -/_ are dealt with though) There is a design flaw atm where sclient.set_info(sclient.get_info(123)) will not work at all as the keys are all different """ root = ET.Element('subscriber') for key, value in kw.items(): e = ET.SubElement(root, key) e.text = value url = 'subscribers/{id}.xml'.format(id=subscriber_id) self.query(url, data=ET.tostring(root), action='put')
[docs] def create_complimentary_subscription(self, subscriber_id, duration, duration_units, feature_level, start_time=None, amount=None): """ .. py:method:: create_complimentary_subscription(subscriber_id, duration, duration_units, feature_level[, start_time=None, amount=None]) corrisponds to adding corrisponding subscription to a subscriber :param subscriber_id: Subscriber ID :param duration: Duration (unitless) :param duration_units: Unit for above (days, weeks, months i think) :param feature_level string: what feature level this is at :param start_time: If assgining a value for pro-rating purpose, you need this start datetime :type start_time: datetime.datetime or None :param amount: How much this comp is worth :type amount: float or None """ if start_time and amount: comp_value = """<start-time>{start_time}</start_time> <amount>{amount}</amount>""".format( start_time=start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), amount=amount) else: comp_value = '' data = """<complimentary_subscription> <duration_quantity>{duration}</duration_quantity> <duration_units>{duration_units}</duration_units> <feature_level>{level}</feature_level> {comp_value} </complimentary_subscription>""".format( duration=duration, duration_units=duration_units, level=feature_level,comp_value=comp_value) url = 'subscribers/{subscriber_id}/complimentary_subscriptions.xml'.format(subscriber_id=subscriber_id) self.query(url, data, action='post')
[docs] def complimentary_time_extensions(self, subscriber_id, duration, duration_units): """ .. py:method:: complimentary_time_extension(subscriber_id, duration, duration_units) corrisponds to adding complimentary time extension to a subscriber """ data = """<complimentary_time_extension> <duration_quantity>{duration}</duration_quantity> <duration_units>{duration_units}</duration_units> </complimentary_time_extension>""".format( duration=duration, duration_units=duration_units) url ='subscribers/{id}/complimentary_time_extensions.xml'.format( id=subscriber_id) self.query(url, data, action='post')
[docs] def get_or_create_subscriber(self, subscriber_id, screen_name): """ .. py:method:: get_or_create_subscriber(subscriber_id, screen_name) Tries to get info for a subscriber, else creates a new subscriber """ try: return self.get_info(subscriber_id) except requests.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 404: return self.create_subscriber(subscriber_id, screen_name)
## Payment Gateway Configuration #TODO ## Invoicing #TODO ## Payments #TODO ## Reporting #TODO ## Emails #TODO ## Testing
[docs] def delete_subscriber(self, id): """ .. py:method:: delete_subscriber(id) delete a test subscriber :param id: user id :returns: status code """ url = "subscribers/{id}.xml".format(id=id) response = self.query(url,action='delete') return response.status_code
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ .. py:method:: cleanup() Removes ALL subscribers. NEVER USE IN PRODUCTION! (should only Remove test users...) :returns: status code """ response = self.query('subscribers.xml', action='delete') return response.status_code